Mathilde completed her PhD on Drosophila immunity at CNRS (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) and EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof Bruno Lemaitre. She then performed a postdoc in the laboratory of Prof George Christophides at Imperial College (London, UK) on the tripartite interactions between Anopheles mosquitoes, their microbiota and malaria parasites. In 2017, she joined Institut Pasteur to start the Microbiota of Insect Vectors research group at Institut Pasteur de la Guyane.
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Estelle graduated in Biological Engineering from Polytech Clermont-Ferrand in 2016, then worked in research and development. She joined the team in 2019 as a PhD student, studying the microbiota of anopheles and its influence on the metabolism of these mosquitoes. She defended her thesis in 2023 and has since been working as a post-doc, focusing on the effect of blood lipoproteins on the acquisition of dengue by the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti.
Yanouk completed his PhD in 2015 on the effects of pesticides on marine bivalves at Ifremer (Brest, France). After a postdoc position at Institut Pasteur de la Guyane on insecticide resistance in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, Yanouk joined the team as a research engineer in 2021 to coordinate our field missions and lab experiments on mosquito microbiota.
Gabrielle has obtained her Master in Systematic and Evolution from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in 2021 and then worked on the taxonomy and insecticide resistance of mosquitoes from French Guiana in the Collectivité territoriale de Guyane. She has joined the team as an engineer in May 2023 to study the impact of bacteria on the mosquito genome.
Quentin Dérian is a 2e year student of the master Biodiversity, ecology, evolution, specialty on environmental genomics at the University of Lyon 1 Claude Bernard. He is doing his internship at the MIV on the genome of bacteria associated with mosquitoes with the aim to decipher the mosquito-microbiota interaction.
Florian is currently doing an internship at Institut Pasteur de la Guyane as part of his final year of a Master's degree in Organismal and Environmental Biology at UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). He has joined the MIV team to study the genomic implication of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on the colonization by their microbiota and on their vectorial capacity as part of the PILGRIM project.
2017, Verena Kircher, Technician
2017-2020, Katy Heu, Research Engineer
2017-2021, Ottavia Romoli, Postdoc
2018, Charles Bobin, M.Sc student, Université de Lille, France
2018-2019, Johan Claes Schönbeck, Technician
2020, Chloé Gapp, M.Sc student, Université de Lorraine, France
2020, Stanislas Talaga, Research Engineer
2020-2021, Pol Figueras Ivern, M.Sc student, Uppsala University, Sweden
2021, Cindy Fimiez, B. Sc student, Université de Guyane, France
2021, Louise Morchais, M. Sc student, INSA Lyon, France
2022, Danai Bemplidaki, M Sc student, LSHTM, UK
2020-2022, Rachel Ajenoe, Technician
2022, Emilie Balthazar, M Sc student
2020-2023, Javier Serrato-Salas, Postdoc
2021-2023, Leonardo Ortega-Lopez, Postdoc
2022-2023, Stencey Fontenelle, Technician
2023, Luc-Alexandre Hetet, B. Sc student, Lycée Saint Louis de Bordeaux, France
2023, Ivan Roger, M Sc student